Let’s get some F’s going in the chat for Python 2
(I stopped seeing the guy with the “2.8” tshirt at Pycon a couple years ago, maybe. I wonder if he got the message or just stopped attending.)
Trying to unlike everything in my hellscape bird site account. None of the apps seem to do it. Doing it by hand right now. It sucks.
Feels good to have no emotional investment in Star Wars. Everyone else can fight it out.
Everything about the FitBit SDK makes me want to develop for it. Nothing about WatchOS makes me want to develop for it.
I love WatchOS as a user and don’t want to give up everything that’s so good about it for the probably-ok FitBit. Weird. (Also eff Google.)
If adtech is so good why do I get ads for: Trump, Biden, Gabbard, Bloomberg. That list is “things that I do not want, no sir, nope”.
Anecdotally, package delivery speed has improved for me, but with higher incidents of late/missing/damaged packages.
Rainy Sunday morning. Listening to the soundtrack for The Expanse S3, doing PyCon work. As you do
I should go for a run bc it’s 60-something and beautiful outside but I didn’t sleep and sometimes I just need a rest day
Why does this psychopath have a job www.khq.com/news/rep-…
Also cool I am part of a “terrorist organization”
Instagram literally stopped updating for me so I took it as a sign to log out and forget about it. Find me on Flickr at the same name I use here
The risotto wanter has logged on
Ok final Witcher thought. I do enjoy the way he’s often a sad-sack: covered in guts, doing a thankless shit job, weary. That’s so much better than just “wandering superhuman badass”. I have a soft spot for that trope combo.
The Witcher: “yeah, she’s part elf so, like she’s all afflicted. Hunchback, face all messed up, the works. No, no, great rack, just fucking fantastic. Everything else, total shit show.”
Also soooooo muuuuuch anachronistic dialog AYFKM
I’m watching The Witcher. What the fuck is happening. Who the fuck are these people. Is there a prequel I was supposed to have watched? Why does the nation of Nils Bohr hate Candyland and Discount Kirsten Dunst? This was a video game? I’m so lost
I was looking something up and after clicking around, ended at the official Java tutorial (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/index.html). I remember seeing that forever ago and being really intimidated by it all. That I’d never be a “real” programmer and understand it.
Didn’t go running and I feel like a slob but it was 34 degrees and raining. Also once a slept outside in an improvised shelter in those conditions and that sucked so I’m staying in. But also feeling bad about it. I contain multitudes
Supreme Court to Have Final Say in Oracle v. Google Java API Battle
Genuinely wondering how this one turns out. In this incredibly partisan era it’ll be interesting to see how they rule. (Meaning, APIs are not currently part of the broader culture war)
Leon is the best character in Mr. Robot. This is a hill I will die on.
If your mortgage payment is $10 - call it $8 principal and $2 interest - and you pay $11, is there a guarantee they apply the extra to principal? Can they just carry over the extra into interest or something shitty?
No affirmative hand signals allowed
Commute by public transit is practically relaxing sometimes. Just sit and kill some time. Longer? Yes, it is. I worry about my time. But I also worry about stroking out from rage on the Dulles Toll Road. A little time is worth it.
I’m less interested in cats v dogs as pets than predator vs prey as pets. Why the hell would anyone want a rabbit. Predators are more fun.
Gotta book Pycon but also I’m trying to convince my employer to pay for a trip to Vegas for NewVendorCon, which is like $1800/head plus air fare, hotel, food, etc.
I was never (officially) a “junior dev”. I was just a sysadmin, then the only dev - “a dev” - for so long that when I got into “the system”, senior was taken as read.
My end of year music thing is obvious if you know me: Clutch, Black Flag, Propaghandi, Deadmau5, Gwar, Rise Against, Godflesh.
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